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Over the last few weeks I have read some really lovely things regarding members of the NHS and what an amazing job they are doing in these uncertain times! As such we are offering a few thank-you’s to our amazing local NHS staff when it’s safe for us to re-open!

Competition: Free cut and colour for one amazing NHS worker!

As a little thank-you we’d like to offer a free cut and colour to one truly inspirational NHS worker.

To nominate someone for this prize please tag anyone you know in our Facebook post who is doing an amazing job for the NHS and give a reason of why they should win (Please feel free to tag as many people as you like).

Offer: 10% discount on hair treatments!

As another little thank-you to all NHS staff we will be offering a 10% discount on all hair treatments.*

We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you from all of us here at Suzanne Elizabeth, to all the amazing NHS staff putting their lives on the line to keep us all safe.

*T & C’s apply. Must present a blue light card or photo I.D

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